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If we have to do school online for a few days, this is the spot you'd come to for any files or a summary of our online class.
Fine Arts Moments
Take a moment to look around. Breathe gently. Identify 5 things that are art or were created to be beautiful. Send your list to me through Teams or email. Extra? Send me pictures too!
Nope. You are not alone. Find one song that feels like you feel. Send me the YouTube link. Extra? Write a few short sentences telling me why you chose this song.
SPOONS! Go gather up two spoons. Find Abby the Spoon Lady on YouTube or just play around. Try to remember some of what we learned. Extra? Drive your family nuts by playing banjo music and playing your spoons.
Find one gonoodle song or dance video that you can do. Have someone see you do it. Email me! Extra? Get your family to join you!!
Movies are drama. Yes, yes, they are. Find one movie that you can watch with someone in your house. Watch together; Laugh together. Extra? Rate the movie out of 5 stars and send it to me.
Draw with me
Use the Word File button to get a printable file of animals to draw at home.
You can send me your pictures!
Email to me or your homeroom teacher.

Click here to see or PRINT the Step-By-Step drawing animals.

Can we pretend it's summer yet?